New & Baby IIM's


When one starts their MBA Entrance journey one generally has the 20 IIM's as their target in their mind & especially the older IIM's as their main target. However, apart from these old IIM's there are several New & Baby IIM's which will be discussed in the Blog & in this Blog we would cover 13 IIM's (Ranchi, Raipur, Udaipur, Trichy, Kashipur, Rohtak, Nagpur, Amritsar, Vizag, Sambalpur, Sirmaur, Bodh Gaya & Jammu), which all have been set up in/after 2009. 
What we wish discuss is how lucrative are the Institutes & are they worth joining or not. Plus we would also create distinctions between the Institutes & also have discussions regarding these 13 Institutes & how valuable/invaluable this IIM tag is for these 13 Institutes.

How to secure admission?

At the time of filling the CAT form as one pays 2,000 rupees for writing the examination, they also become eligible to apply for the 20 IIM's. Some, IIM's have some separate programs & Rohtak & Amritsar charge applicants individually, however, the point is that there is a common application for the IIM's. Many of these New & Baby IIM's follow the Common Admission Process (CAP) which one can secure a shortlist from at the 94%ile mark (For the General Category & 80%ile in each section) & can appear in the PI/WAT process for the final selection. If one clears the Composite Score Criteria which is based on various parameters then they secure a Final Admission Offer & waitlists move after that for each of the CAP IIM's. Coming to the other 4 IIM's which don't have follow the CAP process which are Rohtak, Nagpur, Vizag & Amritsar, they have their separate admission procedure & details can be checked on their respective websites.

Distinction between the New & Baby IIM's (as categories & between the 13 IIM's)

These IIM's are categorized as New & Baby IIM's based on their year of an establishment like IIM Rohtak which was established in 2009-10 would be termed as a New IIM, whereas IIM Amritsar which was established in 2015 would be termed as a Baby IIM. 

Now, when one compares IIM Ahmedabad & IIM Bangalore the difference between the years of establishments (1961 & 1973 respectively) don't play much of a difference, however, between these New & Baby IIM's these years of establishment play a lot of difference:

  •      Placements would vary accordingly as many Companies have this 10 year rule, where they come for placements only when an Institute has completed 10 years.
  •     The Brand name also varies amongst these 13 Institutes based on the year of establishment & the New One's would definitely have a head start in this regards.

It is important to keep in mind that many of these IIM's out of the 13 don't have their own campus & that they are operating makeshift buildings till the time their own campus isn't made, with hostels at times being make shift buildings or 10-12 kms away from the campus which may be a disadvantage at times. To elaborate an example can be IIM Vizag operating at Andhra University till the time their own campus isn't made, similarly IIM Amritsar is renting out area in an Engineering College in Punjab, also IIM Rohtak used to operate at MDU Rohtak till the time their Permanent Campus wasn't built & IIM Trichy operated at NIT Trichy till the time their permanent campus wasn't built. 

To summarize this point, it takes time to build a campus as one may know & due to the fact that many of these are in their primitive stage, they don't have their own campuses.

Another point to be looked at is the locational advantage/disadvantage which plays a part in terms of recruitment & exposure to the Industry. A classic example can be IIM Sirmaur which is located in one the remotest areas of the country & it is very difficult to reach as it is located in a very remote location in Himachal Pradesh, giving it less Industry Exposure as recruiters find it very tough to reach. Plus, these two points also become a contention of debate which one sees on Pagalguy, like which one is better Kashipur or Nagpur (with the former being established earlier than the latter and the latter having a locational as compared to the former).

Should one join or give CAT another attempt?

This question can be a really good/really irrelevant question depending upon the situation one is in life, what one aspires, how much is one earning, etc.

If one is earning let's say X amount then they can weigh the opportunity cost that they are incurring from joining X Institute & then decide according to placements of the X Institute & their Job satisfaction, etc. & make their call.

If one is a fresher & let's say his/her best convert is IIM Trichy, then he/she can decide whether or not to join IIM Trichy or give CAT another try depending on his/her potential. Where this question becomes irrelevant is when it's asked vaguely without a convert.

            One needs to realize that even if they secure a 99.xx%ile, it does not guarantee them a seat at these New/Baby IIM's, plus one should think about such questions only when they have a convert which like mentioned earlier only comes once they have crossed the two stages (the shortlisting & final selection phase).

Inputs by: Nikhil Jain

Editing by: Rashmi Rangari


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